A Hippocratic Oath for Bankers?

A 158 word template upon which Dutch bankers are meant to swear an oath to do right by their clientele no matter what. It is an interesting idea, of course, but its efficacy is dubious at best. Where in medicine a doctor and a patient’s desires are one and the same, a financial officer, banker, investor, etc. may have ideals and priorities which are completely different to those of a client or potential partner, leading to a much higher capacity for conflict. The only times where matters of the Hippocratic oath are really brought up is when a doctor has the obligation to provide care to a wounded enemy during wartime and in the ongoing debate about the right to life and doctor assisted suicide. In the business world, ethical debates and conflicts occur on a daily basis with long-term consequences beyond the lives of the people directly involved. Without a doubt, this is a step in the right direction, but perhaps a longer stride is in order.

Antoine Bolden

Full article: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/12/would-a-hippocratic-oath-for-bankers-lead-to-better-behavior/383867/

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